joi, 7 iulie 2011

Urban dictionary zice:


A really really cool person;
Guys want her and girls want to be her.
Has many friends.
Everyone likes her,
they don't only pretend to like her.

Guy 1: Why can we never get a Laura?
Guy 2: They all already have great boyfriends.


-Sex on legs
-Tiger in the bedroom
-Waiscoast is TEH SEX
-Possibly the rudest person you will EVER meet
-Cute. END OF.


The person with this name is the most amazing person you will ever meet. After you say hi to her, magic fairy dust will sprinkle on your head and then you'll be able to FLY! OMG! Who WOULDN'T want to fly?


A girl who is awesome in every way, can be shy at times and crazy (especially when she is sugar high) the next, but is always a fun person to be around. She likes to make lists and keep everything in order. She loves to be creative with her stories she writes, and takes too many photos on her camera. She loves to hang out with a group of friends at all times. Reading is her favorite pastime, and she barely ever misses a tv show. You will never regret ever meeting a Laura. She likes to keep everything in order, and makes sure everything's in its place, except not really :). She loves to make up one syllable words and languages out of these words. Her favorite number is 4 and she is really good at remembering numbers. Best Traits: can keep secrets when she wants to, can always cheer people and friends up, knows the right moment when a friends in need.

Laura is the pimpshit in every way. When someone meets a Laura they will never be able to forget her. She is truly unique in every way. She has an amazing personality and the looks to match it. Laura's are extremely intelligent. Straight up wiz kids. She is one of the hottest chicks ever to be seen. When she walks in the room, the wall clocks stop, everyone's jaw drops, and time literally stands still.

Anyone named Laura sure knows how to party and have a good time! It is also said that everyone with this name is super cute, you can't beat that!

A word or name used to describe sex-on-legs.

*a Laura walks by*
Person 1: "Did I just have an orgasm?"
Person 2: "That WAS a Laura."

Person 1: "What was that girls name last night?"
Person 2: "Did you have a good time?"
Person 1: *nods*
Person 2: Most likely Laura.


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